
Saan Umabot ang Bente Mo: EPIRA 20 Years After

Discover how two decades of power reform have shaped electricity costs in the Philippines and what lies ahead for the future of energy.

The assessment of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA) is both timely and crucial. The EPIRA, enacted to liberalize and reform the Philippine electricity sector, was designed with the lofty goal of enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving service. However, after 20 years of EPIRA implementation, millions of Filipinos still suffer from high electricity rates and energy poverty. The findings are particularly relevant today as the country faces growing energy demands and a pressing need for equitable access to reliable and affordable power. It is essential to evaluate the gaps of this policy in navigating the complexities of the energy landscape today, and analyze its impact on the broader goals of affordable, reliable, and clean energy access.

The five studies in this book comprehensively and critically evaluate the EPIRA's outcomes and implications, addressing several key issues surrounding the different areas in the energy sector. This work is indispensable for policymakers seeking to understand the complexities of energy reform and its implications for national development. It also serves as a crucial resource for citizens who wish to be informed advocates for fairer energy policies. It not only provides a deep dive into the complex and often opaque workings of the Philippine energy market but also offers actionable insights into how these issues can be addressed. This work aims to inform policy decisions and contribute to the development of more effective strategies for energy reform, and offer actionable recommendations.

What are the focus areas of the 5 studies within this book?

Why does this assessment matter?

Who are the authors behind these studies?

Produced in Partnership

This book has been produced by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Philippines, 11.11.11, and The Center for Power Issues and Initiatives (CPII). The collaboration brings together experts from various fields to provide a critical, data-driven assessment of EPIRA and its long-term implications for energy access and affordability in the Philippines.

  • ­­Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Philippines is a German foundation committed to the values of social democracy. Its focus is on the promotion of democracy and the strengthening of social and ecological dimensions of economic development through education, research, political dialogue, and international cooperation. The FES Philippine Office cooperates with national and local government institutions, trade unions, political and social movements, non-government organizations, media practitioners and groups, scientific institutions, individual experts, and other international organizations.
  • 11.11.11  is a Coalition for International Solidarity of trade unions, non-governmental organizations, and volunteer committees in Belgium. It campaigns on the themes of socio-economic and ecological justice, alongside human rights and gender justice. 11.11.11 works with partners in Asia, Latin America, and Africa on these themes through movement building and policy advocacy.
  • The Center for Power Issues and Initiatives (CPII) is a non-government organization advocating for renewable energy as a means to address energy poverty and democratize the electricity sector. The CPII has worked with urban poor communities for the solarization of their housing, and is pushing for a law to support the financing of solarized housing for the poor. The CPII has also been working with rural electric cooperatives to help the member-consumer-owners in the cooperatives transform themselves into dynamic owners enjoying affordable electricity in their communities.

Together, these organizations are united in their mission to promote a more equitable, sustainable, and accessible energy future for the Philippines, ensuring that all Filipinos benefit from affordable and reliable power.


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